Waters Garage, Hertford
The Site
The site was incredibly complicated with many conflicting constraints. Sandwiched between a dual-carriageway and a main road, with a footpath and deep public sewers bi-secting the length of the site, it is in a conservation area and had the locally listed, distinctive, former coachworks to be retained.
Originally the site contained a filling station, mechanical repair facility and diagonally opposite, the site known as 66 – 68, contained the used car sales area. Historically it was an old Coachworks which was still recognisable with the First Floor Display windows
The Former Waters Garage site creates two distinct areas – the first has utilised and restored the original coachworks to create a unique frontage with a discreet mews development to the rear which has echoes of the workshop building that it replaced.
Secondly the rendered terraced villas pick-up on the original, distinctive Georgian semi-detached buildings along North Street.
Planning Permission Granted: February 2016