66-68 St Andrew Street
The Site
Our clients for the implementation, Leary Developments Ltd, also purchased the cottage immediately adjacent to the site, which gave us an excellent opportunity to open up the rear area and created a great shared private space for the mix of units which surround it.
The close proximity of the busy roads has imposed constraints on the construction process which we helped address within the building methods
Located in the St Andrew Street Conservation Area the constraints and restrictions of the former used car site are plain to see and have given rise to quite different design solutions. The site is also heavily constrained but demonstrates how effective use can be made of even the trickiest of site to facilitate regeneration and successful development.
The site immediately abuts a pair of historic grade II listed cottages. By re-forming an original historic street pattern, we have created 4 unique, residential units around a shared courtyard.
Planning Permission Granted: February 2016
Leary Brothers
Structural Engineer
WF Brown Associates