Haverfield Gardens, Kew
The Site
Forge Design Studio have worked with our client Rockhold over the last four years on the detailed planning application for a five unit, high-value residential scheme within the Kew Green Conservation Area, Richmond. Supported by Iceni as Planning Consultants it has been a lengthy process taking place against the backdrop of the pandemic.
The scheme is situated on a redundant site, currently occupied by lock-up garages at the end of a residential cul-de-sac. It is a tight, narrow, urban context which has presented numerous constraints and challenges through-out the process. Extensive consultation has taken place in the neighbourhood and a series or one-to-one meetings with adjacent owners was particularly informative
The five properties have been designed in response to the existing grain, scale and mass of the adjacent Edwardian terraces. Sited to reflect the adjacent housing they have a generous amount of south-facing private garden space especially given the context and location.
Detailed elevational studies have been undertaken looking at proportion and arrangement of principle elements. A more contemporary approach is suggested which reflect the principles of the surrounding buildings without reverting to pastiche. This has been generally supported by the Planning Authority and has been welcomed by the client.
We were delighted with our hard work and dedication to secure planning permission in February 2023 and continue our working relationship with the client.
Planning Permission Granted: February 2023