Hertford Pub Crawl!

Former Sun & HarrowPermission Granted!! 

Consent was granted by East Herts District Council, via delegated powers on 28th November 2016, for the redevelopment of the former Sun and Harrow Public House site in Ware. The scheme provides 8 new build homes in a mixture of sizes and types.

Lengthy negotiations took place with the planners and a scheme was achieved which satisfied all requirements. The proposals complete the street scene and form a marker on the corner which echoes the geometry of the former pub building. The stepped terraces follow the site contours, with all servicing taking place from the front. Semi-private space is created which acts as a buffer to the public realm.

The Local Authority were keen to see the provision of the maximum private garden amenity space and have encouraged us to follow good urban design principles by creating a continuous, active street frontage.


Forge Design Studio are currently actively working another two pub sites involving grade II listed buildings. Both schemes include rationalisation and redevelopment of the pub buildings to create a more viable business through the realisation of the value contained within the associated under-utilised car park and gardens.


Forge Design Studio's Year in Review!


It's a long way but it's worth it!!